With that comes information about the life around the +DV8+ scene..
So lets commence the usual fun torture
RED DAY!!!!. Is today in fact ( February 5th just in case your wondering )It is one day a year where people donate to the cause of women's heart disease. "Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts — everyday women are dying at the rate of almost one per minute." They have a donation page as well..but for those who have a limited wallet of funds ( like me ) all you have to do is sport your red, and let it all be known that you care.
For more information you may click this fancy X.

Now I am a sneak and stole information,
well not really but it is fun to say it.
This is what people have been waiting for since Christmas and man, we cant stay away from seeing all of your pretty faces.
So my we decided to put together yet ANOTHER twisted events
Of course your ever so charming sponsors:
Dare Designs
120 best developers meshed together in the hunt of the season Starting March 1st
More information click the X
+DV8+ was also mentioned in the Freestyle blog.
One blog which is my personal favorite it displays the free stuff all around SecondLife.
She portrayed one of the many new stuff in the store which can be found on the riot vends, Lucky chairs and even group gifts.
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