Monday, November 23, 2009

+Quinny 2+ - Upcoming Hunts and News

When you hear the word kinda brings that tingly feeling to you, you know the warm cocoa
You stop take a breath and read the most interesting stuff you have ever come across..

OK maybe not the most orgasmic stuff you ever heard of but hey it is pretty freaking sweet.
If your a hunter you will like this one in general..
As I count on my fingers I would have to say about 4 new hunts coming to the DV8 in the first week of December onward. (Dec 1st and 7Th)

With posting these hunts I have also included a Link so you can check it out for yourself:

December 1st Hunts:
Christmas Hunt Candy Cane
December 7Th Hunts:
Tarot Card Hunt

And within the links Ive noticed that most of them have a good fair share of preview prizes..because I know that some people don't like to start a hunt unless their is a certain item you are hunting for..kinda like a goal..

Other cool News for a shopper:

++Dv8 has proudly reopened the outlet store in Dare Designs,
This is like a mini store. It is very adorable looking++

The most important news ever!
Dv8 has a birthday..Shocker I'm sure.
December 14Th
It is the day where all of it's loyal fans should spam the owners with love and support and wish them a job well done.

As of right now I do not know if they are planning something sinister for the Dv8 birthday, but if you know them as I do. They never stop surprising people with something.
So keep those eyes open.

HQ out!

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