We had cyber ears. We had steam ears. We even had rivet ears. But what about the deathrock? Oooh, can't ignore the deathrock... and now we haven't! 19 colors to choose from - with velvet ear interiors that change textures to match your favorite +DV8+ deathrock stuff. (And the glow on/off, just in case you wanna glow in the dark and spook the locals some night...). Of course, the ears twitch, and have messages in them (and you can add your own too).

Can't have the ears without the tails - right? And you asked, so we've done it - these come tipped OR solid. Mmmhm. Texture change makes the bands on the tail match your favorite +DV8+ deathrock stuff, and of course, it twitches and talks when people touch it. 19 solid colors, 19 tipped versions.

Well, we did say you could score some of these not for sale... and here they are. Five limited edition versions of the Deathrock Kitteh tail, colors with black tips, and lots of deathrocky goodness. Come slap the board - because they're never around for long... and it fills up fast...

And here's where the other five limited edition versions went - right into the 'thank you' machine. We really do appreciate you guys using one of your precious few profile picks to tell people how much you love +DV8+ - so we made some special versions of the new Deathrock tails, just for you! Come pick'em up quick, the prize changes every day, and it could be a while before these are the daily prize again!

The tipped ones looked SO cool, we wanted to do a few special versions with three colors - and we put all five versions in the RiotVend for supercheap. These five tails would be a steal at the highest price of L$300... but get enough people rubbin on the magic box and they'll drop to L$25. Not each - L$25 for the whole set. \o/ Score!

How about some Halloween ears to match those tails? Well, if you're in the +DV8+ Deviants group, you are in LUCK - because there's 32 pairs of Halloween ears out, just for you. 16 gurlie pairs, 16 bois' pairs. All free, because we <13 our Deviants. MUAH!

In case you hadn't ever guessed, Halloween is our FAVORITE holiday - and we just couldn't wait to get started. SO! Here's a little early trick or treat action - 70 Halloween tails for L$1. Yes - SEVENTY! 35 gurlie Halloween tails, 35 bois' Halloween tails - just because it's time to break out the orange and black (and spooky purple, of course). Better come get'em while you can...

so, get down here already
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